
An NLP enthusiast and currently a Ph.D. candidate at National Institute of Technology, Silchar, India.

Educational Background

I did my bachelors in Computer Science & Engg. from National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh from 2012-2016. After that, I completed my masters from National Institute of Technology, Silchar in the academic years of 2017-2019. During my masters I developed my interest in the field of Natural Language Processing and did my masters thesis on word sense disambiguation using a multi-modal approach.

My Research Interest

I’m focusing on the Machine Translation (MT) for low-resource languages in my PhD candidature. There are several MT task challenges for low-resource languages unlike high-resource languages, most notably parallel data availability. In my work, I would like to explore the techniques and methodologies to improve the MT task for these less privileged languages by exploiting the available data.